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Competition Policy

DG Competition’s investigative IT tools

DG Competition has developed a range of IT tools to facilitate investigation procedures. These applications provide a secure and user-friendly environment, and their use is recommended over non-encrypted email correspondence. Exchanges and interactions through these applications are also handled automatically, leading to more efficient and swift processing of requests.

To access these tools, users must create an EU Login account, or use an existing EU Login account. EU Login is the European Commission's user authentication service, which ensures that user data is protected. Accounts can be created for law firms or individual users, such as lawyers or partners.

New tools developed by DG Competition will be announced as they become available.


The tools currently available are:


eLeniency statements protected from disclosure

Companies and external legal representatives can submit statements and documents to DG Competition and receive access to or notification of documents in the context of leniency, cartel settlement and non-cartel cooperation proceedings.


Confidentiality negotiations in a secure workspace

Parties can claim confidentiality on documents when DG Competition intends to give access to the file or publish a decision. A secure workspace to submit, substantiate and negotiate confidentiality claims with DG Competition.


Secure document exchange platform

A web-based exchange platform (replacing eTrustEx as of 11/11/2023) that ensures secure transmission of documents between DG Competition and external stakeholders. It supports message encryption, message integrity, authentication via EU Login and traceability.


Electronic Requests for Information

eRFI is used to respond to a Request for Information addressed to your company by the Commission. It provides a modern and secure workspace designed to accommodate the input of large corporations and smaller companies.