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Competition Policy

eRFI (electronic Request for Information)

The Commission's electronic investigative platform

eRFI (electronic Request for Information)

The eRFI application

For the Commission to effectively carry out its investigations within the prescribed time limits, it is important to obtain evidence through Requests for Information (RFIs) that is accurate, complete and timely submitted. Requests for Information (RFIs) are one of the key investigative tools that the Commission uses in merger, antitrust and cartel investigations.

The eRFI application provides respondents with a modern and secure web-based workspace to (co-)draft, and submit their replies to the Commission. It is designed to accommodate the input of both large corporations and smaller companies, while improving and streamlining the Commission's market investigations.

The eRFI application consists of five steps. In Step 1 Legal basis, the addressee can confirm they have read and accept the legal basis and non-disclosure agreement (if applicable). In Step 2 Contact details, the addressee will be able to review and confirm their contact details. Please provide correct contact details as this will enable the Commission to reach the right person, if needed. In Step 3 Questionnaire, the addressee will be able to provide their answers and upload supporting documents. In Step 4 Review and send, the principal addressee can review their answers and submit them to the Commission. In Step 5 Summary, respondents are be able to consult the responses submitted to the Commission for a limited amount of time but will not be able to modify them.

Please note that draft responses are not accessible by the Commission's case team before they are formally submitted in Step 5. If you wish to submit any correction or additional information to the Commission, please send a message by email to the case team mentioning the case number and questionnaire title.

How to provide contact details

In order to provide contact details, for instance, for competitors and customers in electronic format please use the following template:

  • 1 DECEMBER 2022
Template for the provision of contact details to be used with eRFI

Questionnaires in a market investigation are sent out electronically on the basis of this template. It is therefore essential that you do not deviate from the template in order to avoid any delay in the market investigation. For merger investigations, please submit the contact details in advance as a draft together with the draft Form CO.

Support and Feedback

Please consult the eRFI Support wiki, which contains documentation as well as Frequently Asked Questions.

Respondents can send feedback on how to improve eRFI using the “Send Feedback” link which is always visible in the footer of the eRFI application. The feedback questionnaire is also available here.