Commission publications
- 26.03.2021 Staff Working Document - Evaluation of procedural and jurisdictional aspects of EU merger control.
The executive summary of the Staff Working Document is accessible here. - White Paper "Towards more effective EU merger control". The consultation on the White Paper was open until 3 October 2014.
- Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the White Paper "Towards more effective EU merger control"
Impact assessment - Executive summary of the Impact assessment
- Press release IP/14/801: Mergers: Commission consults on possible improvements of EU merger control rules
- MEMO / Frequently asked questions
- 2013 public consultation (contributions available upon request
- Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the White Paper "Towards more effective EU merger control"
- Communication from the Commission to the Council: Report on the functioning of Regulation No 139/2004, 2009
- Commission staff working paper accompanying the report: thresholds and referral mechanisms
- Press release: Merger Regulation contributes to more efficient merger control in EU
- Merger Remedies Study, October 2005
- Press release: Commission analysis of past merger remedies provides guidance for future cases
External studies
Reports prepared by outside parties represent the authors' views on the subject matter. These views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of either the Commission's or DG Competition's views
- Merger review in digital and technology markets: Insights from national case law, 2022
- Ex-post review of merger control decisions, 2006
- The economics of horizontal mergers: Unilateral and coordinated effects, 2006
- Effects of mergers involving differentiated products, 2004
- The Impact of Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers on Competition, 2004
- The Economics of Tacit Collusion, 2003
Keynote speech by LORIOT Guillaume - Modern EU and UK Merger Control: 20th Anniversary Two Decades of Regulation 139/04 and the Enterprise Act Regime - London, 27 February 2024
Keynote speech by LORIOT Guillaume - Preserving competition across the spectrum - GCR LIVE Telecoms, Media & Technology Conference - London, 20 March 2024