State Aid Modernisation (SAM)
On 8th May 2012 the commission set out an ambitious State aid reform programme.
The modernisation exercise had three main, closely linked objectives:
1. Foster growth in a strengthened, dynamic and competitive internal market
2. Focus enforcement on cases with the biggest impact on the internal market
3. Streamlined rules and faster decisions
The Commission adopted new rules in line with these principles and launched a renewed partnership with the Member States on the implementation of the reform programme.
To that effect, a High Level Forum between the Commission and the Member States has been set up for regular discussions.
- 4th High Level Forum on State Aid Modernisation. Commissioner Vestager agrees strengthened bilateral partnerships with Italy, Romania and Bulgaria
- Press release: Commission turns state aid modernisation into action and calls for better cooperation with Member States to boost growth (IP/14/2783, 18.12.2014)
The Commission proposals on State aid modernisation sought to identify common principles for assessing the compatibility of aid with the internal market, across various guidelines and frameworks, and to revise, streamline and possibly consolidate State aid guidelines to make them consistent with those common principles:
- Rescue and Restructuring aid
- Regional aid
- Research, Development and Innovation
- Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI)
- Revision of the State aid Regulations
- Sector-Specific Rules
- Guidance on the Notion of State aid
- Transparency and Evaluation legislation
Following the State aid modernisation exercise, the Commission is required to conduct evaluations for a selection of aid schemes. See details on the Transparency and Evaluation procedures page.
Competition policy briefs on SAM
(read all Competition Policy Briefs)
- New rule book for Risk Finance State aid (15.01.2014)
- New State aid rules for a competitive aviation industry (20.02.2014)
- Supporting R&D and innovation in Europe: new State aid rules (21.05.2014)
- State aid evaluation (04.06.2014)
- New rules on rescue and restructuring aid for industry: the right incentives for innovation and growth (09.07.2014)
- Guidelines on Regional state aid for 2014-2020 (17.09.2014)
- Improving State Aid for Energy and the Environment (10.10.2014)
- State aid modernisation - a major revamp of EU state aid control (31.10.2014)