Why is compliance important?
Compliance is the prime responsibility of large, medium and small companies alike to comply with competition rules. Companies need to be aware of the risks of infringing these rules and of how to develop and implement a compliance strategy.
An effective compliance strategy enables a company to minimise the risk of involvement in competition law infringements, and the costs attached to anti-competitive behaviour.
However, should an infringement be found, the mere existence of a compliance strategy will not be taken into consideration when determining any potential fine.
Brochure: "Compliance Matters"
The publication summarises the key competition rules companies should respect and sets out generally recognised methods to help companies ensure compliance with EU competition rules
More comprehensive and regularly updated information and guidance on the scope of application and the substance of EU competition rules can be found on the legislation pages.
Formal Commission decisions applying these rules are also available on the Competition website. For example, see Commission Decision C(2011) 7273 final Exotic Fruit (bananas).
Further Information on compliance
For further information on compliance go to: