Public Consultations - European Commission
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Competition Policy

Public Consultations

Public Consultations published by the Directorate General for Competition   

Open market tests on Competition Policy

TitlePolicy activityClosing date


Closed consultations/market tests and comments received

TitlePolicy activityClosing dateResults &
Guidelines on exclusionary abuses of dominanceAntitrust31.10.2024 
State aid in the aviation sector – Commission guidelines on airports and airlines (revision)State aid08.10.2024 
State aid – draft Land and Multimodal Transport Guidelines (LMTG) and draft Transport Block Exemption Regulation (TBER)State aid20.09.2024Contributions
State aid – review of rules on exemptions for small amounts of aid (de minimis aid) in agricultureState aid21.07.2024Contributions
Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation - evaluationAntitrust24.06.2024 
AT.40452 Apple - Mobile payments Antitrust19.02.2024 
Review of the TTBER and related GuidelinesAntitrust24.07.2023 
Prolongation of transitional period provided for in the 2014 Aviation Guidelines concerning regional airportsState aid05.06.2023 
State aid – review of rules on exemptions for small amounts of aid to services of general economic interestState aid01.06.2023Contributions
Sustainable agreements in agriculture – consultation on draft guidelines on antitrust exclusionAntitrust24.04.2023Contributions
Review of the Commission Notice on the definition of relevant market for the purposes of Community competition lawAntitrust & Mergers13.01.2023Contributions
State aid – exemptions for small amounts of aid (de minimis aid) (update)State aid10.01.2023Contributions
State aid – review of rules on exemptions for small amounts of aid to services of general economic interestState aid09.01.2023 
EU competition rules on technology transfer agreements – evaluationAntitrust23.12.2022 
Evaluation of the Guarantee Notice – Expert consultationState aid19.12.2022 
EU Competition rules – research and development agreements and specialisation agreements (extending the validity)Antitrust14.11.2022 
Merger control in the EU – further simplification of proceduresMergers19.10.2022 
Evaluation of Regulation 1/2003Antitrust06.10.2022 
Commission Communication on the findings adopted by the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee in case ACCC/C/2015/128 as regards State aid: Analysing the implications of the findings and assessing the options availableState aid04.10.2022 
Call for evidence - evaluation of the Consortia Block Exemption RegulationAntitrust03.10.2022 
Public consultation on the proposed prolongation of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation and the draft amendments to the Supplementary GuidelinesAntitrust30.09.2022 
AT.40703 Amazon Buy BoxAntitrust09.09.2022 
AT.40462 Amazon MarketplaceAntitrust09.09.2022 
Call for evidence - exemptions for small amounts of aid (de minimis aid)State aid25.07.2022 
Aviation guidelines – prolongation of operating aid to regional airports (COVID-19 response)State aid21.07.2022 
Evaluation of State aid rules for banks in difficultyState aid15.07.2022 
Update of the Informal Guidance NoticeAntitrust21.06.2022 
Merger control in the EU – further simplification of proceduresMergers03.06.2022 
Public consultation on sustainability agreements in agricultureAntitrust23.05.2022 
Public consultation on the draft revised Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations and Horizontal GuidelinesAntitrust26.04.2022Contributions
Rail transport – revision of State aid guidelinesState aid16.03.2022 
Public consultation on revised State aid rules for the fishery and aquaculture sectorState aid13.03.2022Contributions
Public consultation on revised State aid rules for the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areasState aid13.03.2022Contributions
Draft Guidelines on collective bargaining of self-employedAntitrust24.02.2022Contributions
Revision of the Guidelines on State aid for broadband networksState aid11.02.2022Contributions
Additional public consultation on proposed guidance relating to information exchange in the context of dual distribution, intended to be added to the Vertical GuidelinesAntitrust18.02.2022 
Targeted review of the General Block Exemption Regulation (State aid): revised rules for State aid promoting the green and digital transitionState aid08.12.2021Contributions
Information request: Availability of short-term export-credit insurance for exports to all countries in the Annex of the Short-term export-credit insurance CommunicationState aid08.10.2021 
Revision of the Short-term export credit insurance CommunicationState Aid23.09.2021 
Public consultation on the draft revised Regulation on vertical agreements and vertical guidelinesAntitrust17.09.2021Contributions
Commission Staff working document - Preliminary Report - Sector Inquiry on Consumer Internet of ThingsAntitrust01.09.2021Contributions
Public consultation on the revised Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines (CEEAG)State Aid02.08.2021Contributions
Consultation on a draft regulation amending the Agriculture and Fishery De minimis regulationsState Aid23.07.2021 
Revision of the Guidelines on State aid to promote risk finance investmentsState aid16.07.2021Contributions
Merger control in the EU – further simplification of proceduresMergers18.06.2021Contributions
Review of the Communication on the Framework for State aid for research and development and innovationState aid03.06.2021Contributions
Collective bargaining agreements for self-employed – assessing the scope of application of Article 101 TFEUAntitrust28.05.2021 
Merger policy package of 26 March 2021: Evaluation and follow-up actionsMergers23.04.2021 
Review of the Communication on important projects of common European interest (IPCEI)State aid20.04.2021 
Consultation on the Notice on the enforcement of State aid rules by national courtsState aid16.04.2021Contributions
Review of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation regimeAntitrust25.01.2021 
Information request: Availability of short-term export-credit insurance for exports to all countries in the Annex of the Short-term export-credit insurance CommunicationState aid25.01.2021 
Revision of the Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines (EEAG)State aid07.01.2021Contributions
Evaluation of State aid rules for broadband infrastructure deploymentState aid05.01.2021Contributions
Market Definition Notice: evaluation of the Notice and open public consultationAntitrust
Information request: Availability of short-term export-credit insurance for exports to all countries in the Annex of the Short-term export-credit insurance CommunicationState aid07.10.2020 
Review of the Regional Aid Guidelines (RAG) 2014-2020State aid30.09.2020Contributions
White Paper on Foreign SubsidiesCompetition23.09.2020Contributions
AT.40394 - AspenAntitrust16.09.2020 
New Competition Tool: Inception Impact Assessment and public consultation on an enforcement tool to addresses gaps in the current EU competition rulesAntitrust08.09.2020 
Prolongation of the SGEI de minimis Regulation and a time-bound derogation for undertakings in difficulty to take into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemicState aid03.08.2020 
Targeted review of the General Block Exemption Regulation (State aid): extended scope for national funds to be combined with certain Union programmes (2nd consultation)State aid06.07.2020Contributions
AT.40608 - BroadcomAntitrust12.06.2020 
Information request: Availability of short-term export credit insurance for exports to all countries in the Annex of the CommunicationState aid25.03.2020 
Public consultation on draft ETS State aid GuidelinesState aid10.03.2020Contributions
Prolongations of the block exemption regulations for agriculture, forestry, rural areas, fishery and aquaculture and of the regulation on de minimis aid for fishery and aquacultureState aid20.02.2020 
Prolongation of the EU Guidelines for State aid in the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areasState aid20.02.2020 
Review of the two Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations (consultation) Antitrust12.02.2020Contributions
Consultation on the proposed prolongation of the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation Antitrust03.01.2020 
State subsidy rules for health and social services of general economic interest (evaluation) State aid04.12.2019 
Targeted consultation on a draft Communication on the protection of confidential information for the private enforcement of EU competition law by national courtsPrivate enforcement18.10.2019 
Information request: Availability of short term export credit insurance for exports to GreeceState aid18.10.2019 
Targeted review of the General Block Exemption Regulation (State aid): extension to national funds combined with certain Union programmesState aid27.09.2019Contributions
Targeted consultation to stakeholders on the De minimis RegulationState aid31.07.2019Contributions
Targeted consultation on the ex-post evaluation of the 2014 Aviation GuidelinesState aid31.07.2019Contributions
Targeted Consultation for the Evaluation of the Guidelines on State aid for Environmental protection and Energy 2014-2020 (EEAG)State aid19.07.2019Contributions
Targeted consultation on the ex-post evaluation of the Regional Aid Framework 2014-2020 State aid19.07.2019Contributions
Public consultation on the 2012 State aid modernisation package, railways guidelines and short-term export credit insurance - fitness checkState aid19.07.2019Contributions
Public consultation on EU competition rules on vertical agreements - evaluationAntitrust27.05.2019 
Prolongation of the State aid Regulations and Guidelines reformed under the State aid modernisation (SAM) package and expiring by the end of 2020State aid16.05.2019Contributions
Consultation on the Notice on the recovery of unlawful and incompatible State aidState aid29.04.2019Contributions
Targeted Consultation of Interested Sectors on the Revision of the ETS State aid GuidelinesState aid09.04.2019 
Consultation on the evaluation of the Consortia Block Exemption RegulationAntitrust20.12.2018Contributions
Feedback on the roadmap of the evaluation of the Vertical Block Exemption RegulationAntitrust06.12.2018 
Information request: Availability of short term export credit insurance for exports to GreeceState aid09.11.2018 
Consultation on the prolongation of the Regulation on de minimis State aid to undertakings providing services of general economic interest ('SGEI de minimis Regulation')State aid19.10.201808.11.2018
Draft guidelines for national courts on how to estimate the share of cartel overcharges passed on to indirect purchasers and final consumersAntitrust04.10.2018 
AT. 40461 - DK/DE InterconnectorAntitrust04.05.201804.05.2018
Information request: Availability of short term export credit insurance for exports to GreeceState aid16.04.2018 


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