2020 eeag - European Commission
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Competition Policy

Revision of the Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines (EEAG)

Policy field

Competition: State aid


Target group

All citizens and organizations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from (i) Member States and their aid granting authorities, (ii) companies operating in the European single market, (iii) legal and economic practitioners and scholars, as well as (iv) consumer organisations.


Period of consultation

From 12.11.2020 to 07.01.2021


Objective of the consultation

A Fitness Check on the State aid modernisation package has been carried out. The results of this evaluation, which largely covered the time before the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of the twin transition, show that the EEAG and corresponding GBER rules have generally delivered on their objectives. However, it identified certain aspects where the EEAG should be modernised in a way that minimises distortions of trade and competition in the Single Market. Furthermore, the announcement of the Green Deal requires a wider and deeper review of the EEAG, in particular in the two areas mentioned below.

This initiative is guided by the general main objective of coherence with the twin green and digital transformation of the economy. The revision should result in a modernised, simplified, easy to apply and future-proof enabling framework for public authorities to help reaching the EU environmental and energy objectives in a cost effective manner with minimum distortions of competition and trade within the Union. The two main buildings blocks are a review of the compatibility criteria for environmental protection, as well as an assessment of State aid to energy intensive users.


How to submit your contribution

Planned consultation activities for this initiative are:

Please note that there is also an ongoing wider debate and call for contributions on Competition policy and the Green Deal.


Results of the public consultation

A factual summary of the contributions received as part of the consultation is available here.



Contact details

Responsible service:
Directorate-General for Competition – Units B2, B3, H2
Please always indicate the reference number in your correspondence: HT.5371, H.5475


Postal address:
European Commission
Directorate-General for Competition
State Aid Registry
1049 Bruxelles/Brussel
Fax (32-2) 2961154