Scoreboard - European Commission
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Under Article 6 of Commission Regulation (EC) 794/2004, the European Commission must publish, annually, a State aid synopsis ("State aid Scoreboard" or “Scoreboard”) based on the expenditure reports provided by Member States.

The Scoreboard is the European Commission’s benchmarking instrument for State aid. It was launched in July 2001 to provide a transparent and publicly accessible source of information on the overall State aid situation in the Member States and on the Commission's State aid control activities.

Data and methodology

The 2023 State Aid Scoreboard comprises aid expenditure made by Member States before 31.12.2022, which falls under the scope of Article 107(1) TFEU.  This edition includes six special focus points on:

  1. State aid expenditure provided in the context of the coronavirus crisis.
  2. State aid measures supporting the economy in mitigating the impact of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.
  3. Block-exempted State aid expenditure.
  4. State aid for energy and environmental protection.
  5. State aid to deploy broadband networks.
  6. State aid to boost industrial innovation and global technological leadership.

State aid data on the new repository webpage  includes longer time series, from 2000 to 2022. The data is based on the annual reporting by Member States pursuant to Article 6(1) of Commission Regulation (EC) 794/2004. The accuracy of the data remains the responsibility of Member States.

Cases which are still under examination are excluded. General measures that do not favour certain enterprises or sectors, and public subsidies that do not affect trade or distort competition, are not covered by the Scoreboard as they are not subject to the Commission’s investigative powers under the State aid rules nor deemed to be State aid. Therefore, the data presented in the Scoreboard do not include funding granted under the de minimis rules. Furthermore, the data excludes most of the aid to railways, services of general economic interest and schemes approved under the State Aid Temporary Framework of the financial crisis (2010), for which the corresponding legal bases impose limited reporting obligations on Member States. Railways and crisis aid to the financial sector are dealt with separately.

The actual data on State aid expenditure concerning previous years may differ from data previously published for the same year. Indeed, Member States may have replaced provisional figures or estimates from previous years by final actual expenditure, in particular, as regards expenditure in tax schemes.

State aid expenditures in constant prices have been calculated to adjust for the effects of inflation.

Unless differently specified, State aid expenditures are presented in terms of aid element granted by the Member State to the recipient of the aid. The aid element does not represent the nominal amount granted by the public authority, but measures the economic advantage passed on to the undertaking. For COVID-19 related measures and for measures to address the negative consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, State aid expenditures are presented both in terms of nominal amount and in terms of aid element. The unit of measure is specified in the figures. More detail on the methodology used in the State aid Scoreboard is provided in Section 11.

Scoreboard State Aid data - dissemination tool for statistics (2000-2022)

Download the 2023 Note on the state aid scoreboard

Earlier State aid scoreboards: 
2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  Archive 2012-2003