Regional Aid maps 1.7.2014 - 31.12.2020
Communication from the Commission amending Annex I to the Guidelines on regional aid for 2014-2020 (Mid-term review of the regional aid maps) OJ C231, 25.06.2016 p. 1-8
Overview map for the period 1.7.2014-31.12.2017
Overview map for the period 1.1.2018-31.12.2020
Excel table with the eligibility and aid intensities up to level NUTS3
State aid decision on the Regional aid maps 2014 - 2020
For each case, the State aid Register includes, where available, the authentic language and working language versions of the decision as well as a link to the Official Journal publication.
Austria | SA.37825
Belgium | SA.38577
Bulgaria | SA.38667
Croatia | SA.38668
Cyprus | SA.38814
Czech Republic | SA.37553
Denmark | SA.38247
Estonia | SA.38621
Finland | SA.38359 - SA.41045 - SA.46345
France | SA.38182 - SA.41618 - SA.47094
Ireland | SA.38509
Latvia | SA.38385
Lithuania | SA.38510
Luxembourg | SA.38615
Malta | SA.38468
Poland | SA.37485
Portugal | SA.38571 - SA.46356
Romania | SA.38364
Slovakia | SA.37447
Slovenia | SA.38060
Sweden | SA.37985
The Netherlands | SA.39108