Commission expert groups in State aid - European Commission
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Commission expert groups in State aid: Advisory Committees and Multilateral Meetings

The mission of Commission expert groups in the form of Advisory Committees and Multilateral Meetings in State aid is to assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives. They are consultative bodies, composed of representatives from Member States’ authorities competent for State aid.

What are Advisory Committees?

The Advisory Committee on State aid was set up in 1998 pursuant to Article 7 of Council Regulation No 994/98 (replaced by Article 7 of Council Regulation (EU) 2015/1588). Its tasks are to assist DG Competition in the preparation of implementing provisions (pursuant to the State aid Procedural Regulation 2015/1589), block exemption regulations on the application of Articles 93, 107, 108 TFEU as well as decisions and directives pursuant to Article 106(3) TFEU.

What are Multilateral Meetings?

As regards the adoption of guidelines and frameworks, the Commission has developed a practice to ask Member States’ views in the context of Multilateral Meetings before the Commission adopts a policy as to how it will exercise its discretion under the provisions of the Treaty on State aid control.

For a list of Commission expert groups and other similar entities as well as further explanation: Register of Commission expert groups and other similar entities.

Upcoming meetings

Thursday 27 March 2025

Multilateral Meeting with Member State experts on a draft new State aid Framework accompanying the Clean Industrial Deal Communication.

  1. 10:00
    Welcome by DG COMP and presentation of draft Clean Industrial Deal State aid Framework (CISAF)
  2. 10:30
  3. 12:00
    Survey concerning possible support for industrial electrification via power purchase agreements (PPAs): Introduction and Discussion
  4. 13:00

Past meetings

Here you can find the relevant documentation: agendas, minutes and Member States submissions.


Wednesday 12 March 2025

Advisory Committee and the Multilateral meeting on the amendments to (i) the Implementing Regulation and (ii) the Code of Best Practices for the conduct of State aid control procedures

  1. 09:30
    Welcome by DG COMP

    Statement on the qualification of the Advisory Committee and the Multilateral meeting on State aid as ‘expert groups’ by DG COMP

  2. 09:40
    Introduction by DG COMP on Part I*

    * Part I: Amendments proposed regarding the set-up of an internal review mechanism to address the findings of the ACCC regarding access to justice in environmental matters in relation to EU State aid decisions

  3. 10:00
    Discussion on Part I
  4. 11:00
  5. 11:15
    Introduction by DG COMP on Part II**

    ** Part II: Amendments proposed to reflect recent Commission practice and case law developments concerning the handling of State aid cases

  6. 11:30
    Discussion on Part II
  7. 12:00

Wednesday 12 March 2025

Multilateral Meeting on the review of the Commission Directive 2006/111/EC of 16 November 2006

  1. 14:00
    Introduction on the amendment of the Transparency Directive
  2. 14:15
    Tour de Table
  3. 15:00
    End of the meeting