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Competition Policy

Practical information for Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI)

The process

Since IPCEIs are supported from national budgets, Member States are in the driving seat to form an IPCEI, identify the scope of the projects and select participating companies and projects. For the time being, a centrally managed EU IPCEI fund does not exist.

Member States that wish to initiate an IPCEI, should use the dedicated Joint European Forum for IPCEI to share their ideas with all other Member States. Member States should actively plan their participation in an IPCEI and actively cooperate with all other Member States.

For companies interested in participating in an IPCEI, the correct point of contact is always the competent authorities in the Member States.

The Commission services stand ready to support the Member States plans, provide guidance and assess notified projects as swiftly as possible.

The Code of Good Practices

22 MAY 2023
DG COMP Code of good practices for a transparent, inclusive, faster design and assessment of IPCEIs


16 OCTOBER 2023
IPCEI Project Portfolio Template
3 JULY 2024
IPCEI Funding Gap Template (RDI-FID)

Please note that all templates may be subject to further updates and clarifications. Additional templates are under construction.

eState Aid Wiki

eState Aid Wiki - Q and A on State aid legislation (for Member States only).