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Competition Policy

Joint European Forum for IPCEI (JEF-IPCEI)


The overarching objectives of the Joint European Forum for IPCEI (JEF-IPCEI) are to identify areas of strategic EU interest for potential future IPCEIs and to increase the effectiveness of the designing, assessment and implementation of IPCEI. The JEF-IPCEI will work towards these objectives by:

  • Better aligning potential new IPCEIs with the policy objectives of the EU industrial strategy;
  • Improving the process, speed, design and assessment of IPCEIs (based on existing State Aid rules) through facilitating exchanges on best practices, lessons learnt and streamlining procedural and operative framework conditions.

The JEF-IPCEI will cover the entire lifecycle of the IPCEI process and work on the following four workstreams: (1) Identification, (2) Design, (3) Assessment, and (4) Implementation and Evaluation.

Key principles

  • A partnership between the Commission and Member States: The JEF-IPCEI is composed of Member State authorities and European Commission representatives. On an ad hoc basis, the JEF-IPCEI may also invite representatives from candidate countries, industry, academia and other stakeholders, only where relevant.
  • A single forum co-led by Directorate General for Competition (DG COMP) and Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW): Exploiting the full potential of IPCEIs requires the combined expertise in their respective areas of DG GROW and DG COMP in a single, co-chaired forum. Other Commission services that are already or will potentially be involved in specific IPCEIs will also be invited when relevant.
  • The forum is organised around two levels:
    • High level: senior Member State officials responsible for economic and industrial policy (nominated by Member States) and senior officials from the European Commission.
    • Technical level: Member State authorities responsible for IPCEI matters (nominated by Member States) and officials from the European Commission.
  • Frequency: depending on the tasks to be addressed, the JEF-IPCEI would meet in either the technical or the high-level formation. The two levels will meet with different frequencies: potentially two (high-level) to four (technical level) meetings per year.

In the menu below, you will find more information on the participants of the JEF, the past JEF meetings and the upcoming meetings.

Adopted by the JEF-IPCEI

Upcoming JEF-IPCEI Meetings - Draft Timeline

  1. Q1 2025
    6th Technical-level meeting
  2. Q2 2025
    3rd High-level meeting
  3. Q2 2025
    7th Technical-level meeting
  4. Q4 2025
    8th Technical level meeting
  5. Q4 2025
    4th High-level meeting