Latest news and developments Press release12 September 2024Commission opens in-depth investigation into alleged German State aid involved in the sale of the Nürburgring racetrackPress release9 September 2024Commission orders recovery of around €14 million in incompatible German State aid from Frankfurt-Hahn airport and RyanairPress release20 August 2024Commission approves €5 billion German State aid measure to support ESMC in setting up a new semiconductor manufacturing facilityPress release13 August 2024Commission approves €99.5 million Romanian State aid measure to support Nokian Tyres' new zero CO2 emission tyre factoryPress release29 July 2024Commission approves €998 million Dutch State aid scheme to support renewable hydrogen productionPress release29 July 2024Commission opens in-depth State aid investigation into €321.2 million German measure to restructure CondorPress release29 July 2024Commission approves €80 million Dutch State aid measure to support an innovative technology for the production of renewable hydrogenSee all the Competition news More information sources Press material from the Commission Spokesperson's serviceOfficial Journal - access to European Union lawCompetition case search toolFollow DG Competition on X > Subscribe to Competition weekly e-news 24 AUGUST 2022Timeline for State aid policy reviews 2020-2024 21 DECEMBER 2023Infographic - Competition Policy - 2023 at a glance
Press release12 September 2024Commission opens in-depth investigation into alleged German State aid involved in the sale of the Nürburgring racetrack
Press release9 September 2024Commission orders recovery of around €14 million in incompatible German State aid from Frankfurt-Hahn airport and Ryanair
Press release20 August 2024Commission approves €5 billion German State aid measure to support ESMC in setting up a new semiconductor manufacturing facility
Press release13 August 2024Commission approves €99.5 million Romanian State aid measure to support Nokian Tyres' new zero CO2 emission tyre factory
Press release29 July 2024Commission approves €998 million Dutch State aid scheme to support renewable hydrogen production
Press release29 July 2024Commission opens in-depth State aid investigation into €321.2 million German measure to restructure Condor
Press release29 July 2024Commission approves €80 million Dutch State aid measure to support an innovative technology for the production of renewable hydrogen