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The Official Journal (EUR-Lex)


Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs)

IPCEIs are part of the State aid guidelines that emerged from the State aid Modernisation procedure of 2012. IPCEIs may represent a very important contribution to economic growth, jobs and competitiveness for the Union industry and economy. IPCEIs make it possible to bring together knowledge, expertise, financial resources and economic actors throughout the Union.

The Launch of an IPCEI on Health was announced during the Ministerial Conference “Towards an Independent, Competitive and Innovative European Healthcare Sector” and it was published on 3rd March 2022.


The State Aid Temporary Framework

The State aid Temporary Framework and public support of research, testing and production of products relevant to fighting the Coronavirus outbreak was adopted on 19th March 2020 to enable Member States to use the full flexibility foreseen under State aid rules to support the economy in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. On 3rd April 2020, the first amendment to the Temporary Framework increased the possibilities for public support for research, testing and production of products relevant to fight the coronavirus outbreak.