Legislation (Arts, Recreation, Education, Tourism & Sports)
The Official Journal (EUR-Lex)
- The Communication on Sport, adopted on 18 January 2011, sets out the Commission's ideas for EU-level action in the field of sport. The Communication is accompanied by a Staff Working Document on the free movement of professional and amateur sportspeople in the EU.
- European Council Declaration on Sport (see page 21, Annex 5 to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 11-12 December 2008)
- European Parliament resolution of 8 May 2008 on the White Paper on Sport (2007/2261(INI))
- The White Paper on Sport adopted in July 2007 gives the Commission's strategic orientation on the role of sport in the European Union. Competition issues are addressed in more detail in the Staff Working Document "The EU and Sport: Background and Context" (SEC(2007) 935) and particularly in Annex I to that document "Sport and EU Competition Rules".
- European Parliament resolution of 29 March 2007 on the future of professional football in Europe (2006/2130(INI))
- Council Declaration (Annex 4) on the specific characteristics of sport and its social function in Europe, of which account should be taken in implementing common policies (Nice 2000)
- Declaration on sport (number 29) annexed to the Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts.
Studies / Reports / Articles
- The application of Articles 81 and 82 EC in the sport sector (Competition Policy Newsletter, No 3 Autumn 2007, page 6).
- Application of EC antitrust rules in the sport sector: an update (article in the Competition Policy Newsletter No 3 Autumn 2005, page 72).
- L'application des règles antitrust aux règles sportives by Gianfranco Rocca, former Deputy Director-General, Competition Directorate-General, European Commission (L'Observateur de Bruxelles No 62 Septembre 2005, publication de la Délégation des Barreaux de France).
- Study on Sports Agents in the EU (November 2009) – DG for Education and Culture.
- The Helsinki Report on Sport: Report from the Commission to the European Council with a view to safeguarding current sports structures and maintaining the social function of sport within the Community framework, 10 December 1999.
- La Politique européenne de Concurrence et le Sport (2002) by Jean-François Pons, former Deputy Director-General, Competition Directorate-General, European Commission.
- Sport media rights (2006) by Torben Toft, European Commission