Policy field
Competition: State aid
Target group
This consultation will be open to the general public. National authorities, airports, airlines and related associations are in particular welcome to contribute.
Period of consultation
From 11.12.2024 to 05.03.2025
Objective of the consultation
The 2014 Guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines (‘the Aviation Guidelines’) offer sector-specific guidance on the notion of aid in the aviation sector and describe the conditions for State aid in the aviation sector to be compatible with the single market.
The aviation sector has evolved significantly since the adoption of the Aviation Guidelines. The Commission’s Fitness Check of the 2012 State aid modernisation package conducted in 2019-2020 (‘the Fitness Check’) identified the need to amend the Aviation Guidelines in the medium term, ensure that they are fully aligned with the objectives set out in the Green Deal.
Against this background, the Commission plans to review the Aviation Guidelines. In doing so, the Commission will also consider, for consistency reasons, the existing options of granting aid to the aviation sector other than under the framework of the Aviation Guidelines.
How to submit your contribution
We welcome contributions from the general public and in particular from the above-mentioned target groups.
Please click here to submit your contribution.
Consultation documents
Reference documents and other related consultations
- Communication from the Commission - 2014 Guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines
- Press release – Commission adopts new guidelines for state aid to airports and airlines
- MEMO – Commission adopts new guidelines on state aid to airports and airlines (Aviation Guidelines) - Frequently asked questions
- Communication from the Commission concerning the prolongation of the specific regime for operating aid for airports with up to 700000 passengers per annum provided for in the Guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines
- Communication from the Commission extending the transitional period provided for in the Guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines concerning regional airports 2023/C 244/01
- Call for evidence
Contact details
Responsible service:
Directorate-General for Competition – Unit F2
Please always indicate the reference number in your correspondence: HT.2635
e-mail: COMP-AVIATION-REVISIONec [dot] europa [dot] eu (COMP-AVIATION-REVISION[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Postal address:
European Commission
Directorate-General for Competition
Ref.: HT.2635
State aid Registry
1049 Bruxelles /Brussel
Belgique /België