Policy field
Competition: State aid
Target group
Public authorities, citizens, companies and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from the national authorities and courts dealing with State aid, academics and lawyers.
Consultation period
From 04.02.2019 to 29.04.2019
Objective of the consultation
If a Member State has granted public support in breach of State aid rules, the Commission orders that Member State to recover it. With the 2007 Recovery Notice, the Commission explained for the first time its policy towards the implementation of recovery decisions. Since then, the Commission's practice and the case law of the Union Courts has evolved.
As a result of the State Aid Modernisation of 2012, Member States grant more aid without prior authorisation from the Commission. This latter, for its part, has subsequently enhanced the downstream monitoring. That development includes the enforcement of recovery decisions, to ensure that Member States effectively remove distortions of competition by recovering the aid paid in breach of State aid rules.
The draft Notice now under consultation explains the rules and procedures governing the recovery of State aid, and how the Commission works with Member States to ensure compliance with their obligations. It is addressed to the authorities of the Member States in charge of implementing a recovery decision and is intended to replace the 2007 Recovery Notice.
View the consultation document
- Draft Recovery Notice bg cs da de el en es et fi fr it lt lv hr hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl sv
Reference documents
2007 Recovery Notice: Notice from the Commission — Towards an effective implementation of Commission decisions ordering Member States to recover unlawful and incompatible State aid, OJ C 272, 15.11.2007, p. 4.
Contact details
Directorate-General for Competition, Unit H4 - State aid enforcement and monitoring
Please always indicate the reference number in your correspondence: Ref.: HT.5261 – Review of Recovery Notice.
e-mail: COMP-H4-PUBLIC-CONSULTATIONec [dot] europa [dot] eu (COMP-H4-PUBLIC-CONSULTATION[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Postal address:
European Commission
Directorate-General for Competition
State aid registry
Ref.: HT.5261 Review of Recovery Notice
1049 Bruxelles/Brussels
Contributions received
- Summary of contributions en
- All contributions received
Public authorities
- Bulgaria
- Czechia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France (comments) , France (draft)
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Interreg
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Romania
- Spain
- Sweden
Registered organisations
- Iberdrola
- Linklaters
Individual contributions
- CEL - King's college
- Maastricht University - Professor Luja
- Müller-Wrede