Bilateral relations - European Commission
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Competition Policy

Bilateral relations on competition issues

The European Commission has engaged actively in cooperation with competition authorities of many countries outside the EU. Cooperation with some of them is based on bilateral agreements dedicated entirely to competition (the so-called "dedicated agreements"). In other cases, competition provisions are included as part of wider general agreements such as free Trade Agreements, Partnership and Cooperation Agreements, Association Agreements, etc.

This page provides an overview of the third countries with which the Commission engages in cooperation in the area of competition policy. For each country, the table provides links to:

  • the website of the competition authority agency,
  • where applicable, the dedicated cooperation agreement(s) in the area of competition concluded between the EU and the country concerned,
  • where applicable, the general agreement(s) concluded between the EU and the third country concerned that contain provisions on competition policy. The full text of the agreement as published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ) is also provided where available.