Open middle and low value contracts
Information about expected procurement procedures for low and middle value contracts is published on the eTendering platform and on Funding & tenders (
Ex-ante publication: EMPL/2022/MVP/0028 - VT-2022-053
Subject: Study on the need and conditions for State aid for access to finance for social enterprises and for the recruitment of disadvantaged workers in the form of wage subsidies
Deadline to express interest: 15/12/2022
More information can be found on eTendering
Closed middle and low value contracts
Contract reference and title |
Purpose |
Indicative launch of call for tender |
Status |
2022 | |||
COMP/2022/005 - Support to the additional surveys on the expenditures under the Temporary Framework |
The purpose of the contract is to support the European Commission in the review and quality control of the data on aid disbursed by Member States until 30 June 2022 under all COVID-19 related State aid measures approved by the European Commission in 2021 and 2022. The contractor shall deliver a cleaned and ready-to-use database containing information of aid expenditure for each State aid measure, with a breakdown of expenditure by Temporary Framework section and spending date, for all 27 Member States, that have completed the survey within the deadline of the present contract. If a statistical software is used, the codes used shall be provided to the Commission. |
Mid-February 2022 | Closed |
COMP/2022/002 Study on competition in the market for the provision of publicly accessible recharging infrastructure and related services for electric vehicles |
The purpose of the study is to gather expert input on the competitive conditions in the market for the provision of publicly accessible recharging infrastructure and related services for electric vehicles in order to identify areas in which the enforcement of the EU competition rules can contribute to the successful expansion of e-mobility in Europe. In particular, it will look into the following aspects: - Current market conditions, including in particular the existing business models of Charging Point Operators (CPOs) and Electro-Mobility Service Providers (EMSPs); - Impact of existing EU legislation on competition between CPOs and EMSPs; - Possible existence of market failures and their effect on competition; - Impact of any public support on the deployment of publicly accessible recharging infrastructure. The study will also compare the applicable regulatory framework in selected Member States. The contractor will be required to prove knowledge and experience in the field of e-mobility and EU competition law. |
Mid-February 2022 | Closed |
2021 | |||
COMP/2021/003 Expert input on financial index design and administration |
The purpose of the contract is to gather expert input on competition within the markets for financial index design and administration within the EEA and on the influence that access conditions to market data may exercise in the form of two reports respectively on (i) the delineation of, and on (ii) the vertical integration of, relevant markets in the field of financial index administration services offered to the EEA’s financial service sector. The contractor will be required to prove knowledge and experience in the EEA markets for all forms of financial index administration services. | January 2022 | Cancelled |
COMP/2021/013 Expert input on market data platforms |
The purpose of the contract is to gather expert input on market data platforms generating financial market data feeds and providing their services to EEA based clients, in the form of (i) a written report identifying, mapping and assessing the evolution of the relevant markets and of (ii) a cost allocation modelling for typical platforms serving each of the identified relevant markets. The contractor will be required to prove knowledge and experience in the EEA markets for platforms supplying financial market data feeds. | November 2021 | Closed |
COMP/2021/004 Expert input on IBORs |
The purpose of the contract is to gather expert input on the design and implementation of fallbacks seeking to facilitate the transition in the relevant EEA markets for financial services from IBORs to Risk Free Rates in the form of two reports providing respectively (i) a mapping based on a survey of the ongoing and planned work of financial service bodies and/or trade organisations working on such fallbacks and (ii) a description for each identified fallback of the process applied for its design and its planned implementation together with an identification and assessment of cases where a fallback for one market could be relied upon in other market(s) with differing credit profiles i.e. “spillover” usages. The contractor will be required to prove knowledge and experience in EU competition law and in the EEA financial markets dependent on the use of IBORs and specifically in the transition process in financial product markets where IBORs are to be replaced by RFRs. | June 2021 | Closed |
COMP/2021/002 Expert input on market data platforms |
The purpose of the contract is to gather expert input on market data platforms generating financial market data feeds and providing their services to EEA based clients, in the form of (i) a written report identifying, mapping and assessing the evolution of the relevant markets and of (ii) a cost allocation modelling for typical platforms serving each of the identified relevant markets. The contractor will be required to prove knowledge and experience in the EEA markets for platforms supplying financial market data feeds. | June 2021 | Procurement procedure cancelled |
COMP/2021/001 Expert fact finding on mobile payments |
The purpose of the contract is to gather informed knowledge, in the form of a report, about the state and evolution of contactless and mobile payments online and in stores in all EEA countries. The contractor will be required to prove knowledge and experience in competition and payment markets. | May 2021 | Closed |
2020 |
COMP/2020/014 Expert fact finding on mobile payments |
The purpose of the contract is to gather informed knowledge, in the form of a report, about the state and evolution of contactless and mobile payments online and in stores in all EEA countries. The contractor will be required to prove knowledge and experience in competition and payment markets. |
end of October | Cancelled |
COMP/2020/015 Expert IT analysis - payment APIs |
The purpose of the contract is to gather detailed information on how merchants and payment gateways integrate certain interfaces (APIs) for the use of payment solutions for payments on apps and websites. This study requires expert IT knowledge as well as IT capabilities to analyse APIs and run API simulations for the implementation of payment solutions. |
end of October | Cancelled |
COMP/2020/010 Determination of the value of certain plots of land in Madrid |
The purpose of the report is to determine the market value in a particular time period of specific land plots located in Madrid (Spain). |
In the first half of October | Closed |
2019 |
COMP/2019/010 Fact-finding study on the implementation of the transparency provisions applicable to State aid |
The purpose of the study is to assess whether the transparency provisions as part of (i) the Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 Article 9(1) and Annex III of GBER are fit for purpose taking into account the general State Aid Modernization (SAM) objectives, the specific objectives of the legal framework and the current and future challenges. In particular, the study aims at: 1) producing a detailed mapping of the different legal, organizational and technical set ups put in place by Member States to fulfil their obligations under the transparency provisions; 2) identifying elements in the current legislative design of the transparency provisions that, if changed, would help improving efficiency and effectiveness for reaching the main objectives of the transparency provisions. |
October 2019 | Closed |
COMP/2019/009 Fact-finding study on the implementation of the evaluation requirement as foreseen by the GBER and relevant guidelines |
The purpose of the study is to assess whether the evaluation requirements as part of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 Recital 8 and Article 1(2) of GBER are fit for purpose taking into account the general State Aid Modernization (SAM) objectives, the specific objectives of the legal framework and the current and future challenges. The findings will serve as a basis for drawing policy conclusions on how well the evaluation requirements have been performing and feed into possible considerations on the future of the relevant regulatory framework. The general objective of the study is to provide the Commission with an independent evidence-based assessment of the implementation of the Evaluation requirements applicable since July 2015. |
August 2019 | Closed |
COMP/2019/007 |
The purpose of the contract is to acquire patent data and patent analytics that have a recognized quality in the patent community. |
June/July 2019 |
Closed |
2018 |
COMP/2018/002 |
The purpose of the contract is to collect market share and concentration data for European countries on a detailed industry level, as well as to commission a methodological paper describing the data gathering process. |
May 2018 |
Closed |
2017 |
COMP/2017/014 Study on the Practical Impact of RDI State Aid Rules |
The objective of the contract is to collect and assess factual evidence on the extent to which, if any, the current State aid rules have an impact on RDI activities in a manner or to a degree which is disproportionate to the objective of these rules, i.e. the prevention of undue distortions of competition. |
October 2017 |
Closed |
COMP/2017/017 Consultancy “Artificial Intelligence Applied to Competition Enforcement” |
The purpose of the consultancy is to gather informed knowledge, in the form of a report, about existing Artificial Intelligence solutions in the market used by or applied to the legal / law enforcement sector. The report shall as well picture any specific and specialised skills and/or pre-conditions required to adopt these solutions, and provide advice on the way forward. Both law enforcement authorities and law firms increasingly embrace Artificial Intelligence to achieve productivity gains and improve work processes. In particular, the tender will seek advice on how Artificial Intelligence could potentially improve DG Competition's processes of evidence management, legal drafting, and market intelligence gathering. | October 2017 |
Closed |
COMP/2017/016 Purchase of Forensic IT hardware - Portable Storage Solution (PSS) |
Acquisition of the Portable Storage Solution (PSS) that will allow to store big amount of data and will serve as the network switch during DG COMP investigations. | October 2017 | Closed |
COMP/2017/004 |
The Directorate-General for Competition would like to organise a one-day seminar in Brussels in September 2017. A procurement procedure will be launched for a venue, suitable for approximately 1 000 participants, that also offers lunch catering. |
February 2017 | Closed |
2016 |
COMP/2016/023 |
In the context of the Commission's State aid approval decision of the German high speed broadband scheme in 2015, Germany has notified 3 "virtual" unbundled access products (VULA). The approval of such a VULA product is required before the network operator can use vectoring technology. It has to be assessed whether the notified products present the necessary and mandatory technical characteristics to comply with the open access requirements as set out in the 2013 Broadband Guidelines and the explanatory note on the Commission's recommendation on relevant product and services markets (9.10.2014)). The tasks assigned to the consultant would be: - To assess the VULA products which are already used in other Member States (5 to 6 Member States already use this type of product, like UK or Austria), - To consult the main stakeholders in the sector, - And in particular to advise DG COMP on whether the proposed products comply with the technical requirements. These tasks should be accomplished within 6 weeks. |
Mid-October 2016 | Closed |
COMP/2016/005 |
The purpose of the analysis is to evaluate the impact on the market of a selected number of State Aid cases where the Commission authorized the granting of aid to individual companies, focusing exclusively on the aid's impact on competition in the affected markets. The contractor will have to select 4 State aid cases in markets with which he is familiar for having advised clients in a merger or antitrust case, and to apply the standard antitrust economic analysis to these State aid cases in order to assess the impact of the aid on competition. The contractor will be required to prove extensive knowledge and experience in competition cases. Knowledge of State aid is a plus, but not a must. | March 2016 | Closed |
COMP/2016/003 Improving the monitoring indicators system to support DG Competitions' future policy assessments |
Support for the European Commission's Directorate General for Competition to improve its monitoring indicators system which can help to strengthen the evidence base of its future policy assessments (in particular, its future ex-post evaluations and impact assessments). | Feb 2016 | Closed |
2015 |
COMP/2015/015 Reports on consumer shopping behaviour |
Purchase of reports with country-specific analysis for the year 2014 on consumer trends in the grocery retail market for each of the following seven countries: Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain. | May 2015 | Closed |
COMP/2015/007 |
Small support study concerning a possible impact assessment for the Merger Regulation review regarding the minority shareholdings, especially legal aspects. |
First quarter of 2015 |
Procurement procedure cancelled |
COMP/2015/027 Forensic IT hardware - laptops |
Purchase of laptops for the Forensic IT analysis to be used during the course of the competition inspections. |
August 2015 | Closed |