Workshop on the revision of the R&D Block Exemption Regulation - European Commission
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Competition Policy

Workshop on the revision of the R&D Block Exemption Regulation

In the context of the European Commission’s ongoing review of the competition rules relating to horizontal agreements, DG Competition is organising an online workshop to gather stakeholder views on the Commission’s proposals for the treatment of research and development (‘R&D’) agreements under the revised R&D Block Exemption Regulation and Horizontal Guidelines. The workshop will focus on the Commission’s proposals relating to pre-market R&D agreements (R&D relating to completely new products or technologies for which there is not yet a market, as well as R&D poles). Those proposals were published for public consultation in March 2022.

The workshop will take place on Tuesday 13 September, 16:00-18:30 CET.

Stakeholders who have knowledge or experience of applying the current R&D Block Exemption Regulation and the relevant sections of the Horizontal Guidelines and who wish to participate in the workshop should send their contact details (name, organisation, position and email address) to: by 2 September 2022.

More details on the practical arrangements will be sent to participants before the workshop.