Itinerant Debate Brno - European Commission
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Competition Policy

Markets for People debate series: Fourth debate

Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Brno | 7 December 2023

Click above to watch highlights of the fourth debate in the Markets for People series. You can watch the full debate here.

This episode of the Markets for People series was titled “Why do we need competition?”

Opening remarks

Martin Bareš, Rector, Masaryk University


  • Petr Mlsna, Chairman, Office for the Protection of Competition (ÚOHS)
  • Pavel Telička, former European Commissioner and MEP
  • Michala Hergetová, economic reporter and moderator of business events
  • Martin Kvizda, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University

Tereza Jahůdková, European Commission, Directorate-General for Competition (moderator)



An old fresco for a modern debate (click here)