conference 2021 - European Commission
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Competition Policy

Competition Policy Contributing to the European Green Deal

On 4 February 2021, DG Competition organised a conference hosted by Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager to debate how competition rules and sustainability policies can work together

Launching the debate

Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager announced her plan to launch a debate on how EU competition policy can support the European Green Deal at an event hosted by MEP Stephanie Yon-Courtin on 22 September 2020 (click here for her remarks).

Webinar in European Parliament, with MEP Stephanie Yon-Courtin, 22 September 2020

Webinar in European Parliament, with MEP Stephanie Yon-Courtin, 22 September 2020

Competition policy is not going to take the place of environmental laws or green investment. The question is rather if we can do more, to apply our rules in ways that better support the Green Deal. [...] To succeed, everyone in Europe will have to play their part – every individual, every public authority. And that includes competition enforcers.

Call for contributions

The conference was prepared by a call for contributions (click here for the call). We received almost 200 submissions. Watch a short video with selected figures and comments here. All replies are available here (zipped file).

The Greening Competition conference

The programme of the Competition Policy Contributing to the European Green Deal conference of 4 February, 2021 is here. Full recordings can be accessed here. Below are links to individual panels or sections:

  • Opening address by EVP Vestager and keynote speech by EVP Timmermans.
  • Panel 1: Our political ambition: What do we want to achieve?
  • Panel 2: Innovation, green growth and the competition rules.
  • Panel 3: What the current antitrust and merger rules deliver, and what they don’t …
  • Panel 4: What the current State aid rules deliver, and what they don’t …
  • Closing remarks by DG Olivier Guersent.

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