Latest news and developments Press release5 September 2024Evaluation of Regulations 1/2003 and 773/2004Press release1 August 2024Commission seeks feedback on draft antitrust Guidelines on exclusionary abusesPress release23 July 2024Commission opens investigation into possible anticompetitive agreements in the online food delivery sectorPress release22 July 2024Commission accepts commitments by Vifor to address possible anticompetitive disparagement of iron medicinePress release11 July 2024Commission accepts commitments by Apple opening access to 'tap and go' technology on iPhonesPress release25 June 2024Commission sends Statement of Objections to Microsoft over possibly abusive tying practices regarding TeamsPress release24 June 2024Commission fines International Flavors & Fragrances €15.9 million for deleting WhatsApp messages during an antitrust inspectionSee all the Competition news More information sources Press material from the Commission Spokesperson's serviceOfficial Journal - access to European Union lawCompetition case search toolFollow DG Competition on X > Subscribe to Competition weekly e-news 7 DECEMBER 2023Cartels cases statistics 24 AUGUST 2022Timeline for Mergers and Antitrust policy reviews 2020-2024 2 OCTOBER 2023Infographic - Competition enforcement in antitrust and cartels 21 DECEMBER 2023Infographic - Competition Policy - 2023 at a glance
Press release1 August 2024Commission seeks feedback on draft antitrust Guidelines on exclusionary abuses
Press release23 July 2024Commission opens investigation into possible anticompetitive agreements in the online food delivery sector
Press release22 July 2024Commission accepts commitments by Vifor to address possible anticompetitive disparagement of iron medicine
Press release11 July 2024Commission accepts commitments by Apple opening access to 'tap and go' technology on iPhones
Press release25 June 2024Commission sends Statement of Objections to Microsoft over possibly abusive tying practices regarding Teams
Press release24 June 2024Commission fines International Flavors & Fragrances €15.9 million for deleting WhatsApp messages during an antitrust inspection