Meetings with Member states and stakeholders on the revision of State aid rules for SME access to risk capital
Multilateral meeting with Member states on the draft Risk Finance Guidelines
13 September 2013
Presentations made at the meeting:
- Risk finance rules in the GBER – Main issues raised in the public consultation (Paolo Cesarini)
- Draft Risk Finance Guidelines (Barbara Cattrysse)
- Draft Risk Finance Guidelines – Measuring the impacts of the new proposed approach (Anne Marchal)
Workshop with Member states and stakeholders to discuss the issues paper of November 2012
11 December 2012
Presentations made at the workshop:
- State aid modernisation and the review of the Risk Capital Guidelines (Gert Jan Koopman)
- Market failures in SME finance markets and the design of State Aid policy (Kai-Uwe Kühn)
- Institutionalized Equity Financing of Start-ups and SME: Background and Research Findings (Oliver Gottschalg)
- The revision of the risk capital regime: proposal for a broader 'safe harbour' (Paolo Cesarini)
- State aid to support SME access to risk capital (Benoit Le Bret)
- Compatibility rules for SMEs access to risk finance (Paolo Cesarini)
- Advantages and shortcomings of the current State aid policy in the area of risk capital (Yeşim Köse)