Latest news and developments Press release9 September 2024Commission orders recovery of around €14 million in incompatible German State aid from Frankfurt-Hahn airport and RyanairPress release20 August 2024Commission approves €5 billion German State aid measure to support ESMC in setting up a new semiconductor manufacturing facilityPress release13 August 2024Commission approves €99.5 million Romanian State aid measure to support Nokian Tyres' new zero CO2 emission tyre factoryPress release29 July 2024Commission approves €80 million Dutch State aid measure to support an innovative technology for the production of renewable hydrogenPress release29 July 2024Commission opens in-depth State aid investigation into €321.2 million German measure to restructure CondorPress release29 July 2024Commission approves €998 million Dutch State aid scheme to support renewable hydrogen productionPress release26 July 2024Commission approves €1.2 billion Spanish State aid scheme to support investments in the production of renewable hydrogen to foster the transition to a net-zero economySee all the Competition news More information sources Press material from the Commission Spokesperson's serviceOfficial Journal - access to European Union lawCompetition case search toolFollow DG Competition on X > Subscribe to Competition weekly e-news 24 AUGUST 2022Timeline for State aid policy reviews 2020-2024 21 DECEMBER 2023Infographic - Competition Policy - 2023 at a glance
Press release9 September 2024Commission orders recovery of around €14 million in incompatible German State aid from Frankfurt-Hahn airport and Ryanair
Press release20 August 2024Commission approves €5 billion German State aid measure to support ESMC in setting up a new semiconductor manufacturing facility
Press release13 August 2024Commission approves €99.5 million Romanian State aid measure to support Nokian Tyres' new zero CO2 emission tyre factory
Press release29 July 2024Commission approves €80 million Dutch State aid measure to support an innovative technology for the production of renewable hydrogen
Press release29 July 2024Commission opens in-depth State aid investigation into €321.2 million German measure to restructure Condor
Press release29 July 2024Commission approves €998 million Dutch State aid scheme to support renewable hydrogen production
Press release26 July 2024Commission approves €1.2 billion Spanish State aid scheme to support investments in the production of renewable hydrogen to foster the transition to a net-zero economy