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Competition Policy

State aid rules and coronavirus

The outbreak of a novel virus infection has a significant economic impact. Member States have implemented support measures for citizens or companies. Some of these support measures may entail State aid within the meaning of Article 107(1) TFEU.

DG Competition has set-up a dedicated mailbox and telephone number, to assist Member States with any queries they have or measures they would like to discuss on the State Aid Temporary Framework or on the Recovery and Resilience Facility State aid guiding templates:

e-mail address: COMP-COVIDatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (COMP-COVID[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)



12 JULY 2024
Factsheet - List of Member State Measures approved under Articles 107(2)b, 107(3)b and 107(3)c TFEU and under the State Aid Temporary Framework