calls for tenders contracts - European Commission Skip to main content
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Competition Policy

Calls for tenders (contracts)

Open calls

COMP/2023/OP/0006 - Multiple Framework Contract for Expert Consultancy Services and Reports in the Context of Competition Law Enforcement

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 14/06/2023 16:00 (local time)

Contract notice OJ S 2023/S 071-218137 published in the Official Journal on 11/04/2023 and corrigendum 2023/S 097-303178 published in the Official Journal on 22/05/2023

For further information about the call please access the e-Tendering platform here

COMP/2023/OP/0001 - Study on the Guarantee Notice

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 17/05/2023 16:00 (local time)

Contract notice 2023/S 054-158223 published in the Official Journal on 16/03/2023

For further information about the call please access the e-Tendering platform here


Closed calls


COMP/2023/OP/0004 - Provision of Services and Support for Policy Studies and Collection of Information from Past Commission Decisions in the Area of Competition Policy

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 11/04/2023 16:00 (local time)

Contract notice OJ S 2023/S 027-077171 published in the Official Journal on 07/02/23

For further information about the call please access the e-Tendering platform here

COMP/2023/OP/0002 - Survey of Practitioners on the Deterrent Effects of EU Competition Enforcement

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 24/02/2023 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice 2023/S 010-024726 published in the Official Journal on 13/01/2023

For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here


COMP/2022/OP/011 - Technical Expertise in the Context of Investigations and Compliance Enforcement in Relation to Digital Services

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 10/01/2023 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ S 218-628192 published in the Official Journal on 11/11/2022

For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here (eTendering - Data (

COMP/2022/OP/0008 - Exploring Aspects of the State of Competition in the EU

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 05/10/2022 (16:00 local time) extended to 12/10/2022 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ S 2022/S 154-438739 published in the Official Journal on 11/08/2022.

For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here (eTendering - Data (

COMP/2022/OP/0009 - Ex Post Evaluation of the Implementation and Effectiveness of Antitrust Remedies

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 04/10/2022 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ S 2022/S 154-438740 published in the Official Journal on 11/08/2022.

For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here (eTendering - Data (

COMP/2022/OP/0003 - Study on the impact of State aid rules for banks in difficulty

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 16/09/2022 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ 2022/S 135-351446 published in the Official Journal on 01/07/2022.

For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here.

COMP/2022/OP/0006 - Collection of Key Qualitative and Quantitative Information from Past European Commission's Merger Decisions

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 20/07/2022 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ S 2022/S 115-323066  published in the Official Journal on 16/06/2022.

For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here.

COMP/2022/OP/0005 - Expert Consultancy Services and Studies in the Context of Investigations and Compliance Enforcement in Relation to Digital Services

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 27/07/2022 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ 2022/S 119-334139 published in the Official Journal on 22/06/2022.

 For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here.

COMP/2022/OP/0004 - Support Study for the Evaluation of Regulations 1/2003 and 773/2004

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 30/06/2022 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ S 2022/S 096-264007 published in the Official Journal on 18/05/2022 and corrigendum 2022/S 109-306488 published in the Official Journal on 08/06/2022.

For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here.

COMP/2022/OP/0002 - Study on New Developments in Card-based Payment Markets, Including as Regards Relevant Aspects of the Application of the Interchange Fee Regulation

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 16/05/2022 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ S: 2022/S 070-181915 published in the Official Journal on 08/04/2022.

For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here.


COMP/2021/OP/0002 - Ex Post Evaluation: EU Competition Enforcement and Acquisitions of Innovative Competitors in the Pharma Sector Leading to the Discontinuation of Overlapping Drug Research and Development Projects

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders: 18/10/2021 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ S: 2021/S 151-398626 published in the Official Journal on 06/08/2021.

For more information about the call, please access the eTendering platform here.

COMP/2021/OP/0003 - Commission Assessment of Future Market Entry, Expansion and Imports in EU Merger Decisions

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders 15/09/2021 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ 2021/S 120-316830 published in the Official Journal on 24/06/2021.

For more information about the call for tenders, please access the eTendering platform here.

COMP/2021/OP/0001 - Assessment of completeness and conformity of Member States' measures to transpose Directive (EU) 2019/1 of 11 December 2018 (ECN+ Directive)

Open procedure

Deadline to submit tenders 22/07/2021 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ 2021/S 101-265591 published in the Official Journal on 27/05/2021.

For more information about the call for tenders, please access the eTendering platform here.


COMP/2020/OP/0002 - Market Study on the Distribution of Hotel Accommodation in the EU

Open procedure
Deadline to submit tenders 04/09/2020 (16:00 local time)

Contract notice OJ 2020/ S 131-320361 published in the Official Journal on 09/07/2020.
For more information about the call for tenders, please access the eTendering platform here.

Award notice

COMP/2020/OP/0001 - Lot 1 & Lot 2 - Expert Valuation Support in the Context of the State Aid Framework Applicable to Financial Institutions

Open procedure
Deadline to submit tenders 24/08/2020 (16:00 local time)

Prior information notice published in the OJ 2020/S 074-175560 on 15/04/2020

Contract notice OJ 2020/ S 129-314982 published in the Official Journal on 07/07/2020.
For more information about the call for tenders, please access the eTendering platform here.

Award notice


COMP/2019/006 – Study on Market trends in Health and Social Services and EU State Aid Implications

Open procedure
Deadline to submit tenders 12/02/2020 (16:00 local time)

COMP/2019/001 – Market developments in the distribution of new motor vehicles and spare parts and the provision of after-sales services under Regulation 461/2010 of 27 May 2010

Open procedure
Deadline to submit tenders extended to 30/04/2019 (16:00 local time)


COMP/2018/011 – Framework Contract for the Provision of Support Studies for Evaluations and Impact Assessments in the Area of Antitrust Policy

Open procedure
Deadline to submit tenders: 28/01/2019 (15:00 local time)

COMP/2018/005 – Support Study on the application of the Interchange Fee Regulation

Open procedure
Deadline to submit tenders: 18/05/2018

  • Contract notice published in the Official Journal on 27/03/2018
  • For more information about the call for tenders, please access the eTendering platform here
  • Award notice
COMP/2018/001 – Study on the enforcement of State aid rules and decisions by national courts

Open procedure
Deadline to submit tenders: 16/04/2018


COMP/2017/015 – Provision of training programme to national judges in EU competition law

Open procedure
Deadline to submit tenders: 08/12/2017

COMP/2017/013 – Multiple framework contract for the provision of support studies for evaluations and impact assessments in the area of State aid policy

Open procedure
Deadline to submit tenders: 29/09/2017

COMP/2017/012 – Technical expertise to support the Commission on issues relating to an antitrust case in the IT sector

Accelerated restricted procedure
Deadline to submit tenders: 21/07/2017

COMP/2017/008 – EU loan syndication and its impact on competition in credit markets

Deadline to submit tenders: 06/06/2017


COMP/2016/014 - Multiple Framework Contract for the provision of consultancy services on technical, economic and legal matters in the context of ICT and media competition cases

Deadline to submit tenders: 28/10/2016


COMP/2016/019 - Acquisition of a case management framework and related IT consultancy services for the European Commission

Deadline to submit tenders: 07/10/2016


COMP/2016/001 Lot 1 & Lot 2  - State aid assessment of impaired assets: valuation and resolution mechanisms

Deadline to submit tenders: 16/06/2016

COMP/2016/010 – Collection of key qualitative and quantitative information on European Commission's merger decisions

New deadline to submit tender: 31/05/2016
New date for opening of tenders: 07/06/2016 at 14h00

COMP/2016/007 - Acquisition of a Case Management Framework and related IT consultancy services for the European Commission

Restricted procedure

Deadline to submit request to participate: 04/04/2016

Deadline to submit request to participate extended to 11/04/2016


COMP/2015/028 – "Studies of issues pertaining to the insurance production process with regard to the application of the Insurance Block Exemption Regulation (IBER)"

Deadline to submit tenders: 02.10.2015

COMP/2015/003 – "Competition and market outcomes in the telecoms sector"

Deadline to submit tenders: 05.10.2015

COMP/2015/019 – "Economic impact of competition policy enforcement on the functioning of telecoms markets in the EU"

Deadline to submit tenders: 21.09.2015

COMP/2015/008 – "Collection of key qualitative and quantitative information on European Commission's merger decisions"

Deadline to submit tenders: 11.09.2015

COMP/2015/005 – "Study on State aid granted in the automotive sector and on the link between state aid and potential foreclosure in downstream motor vehicle markets and key technology providers"

Deadline to submit tenders: 03.09.2015

COMP/2015/004 – An overview of subsidy disclosure practices in EU's member states

Deadline to submit tenders: 01.09.2015

COMP/2015/020 – "Feasibility study on the microeconomic impact of enforcement of competition policies on innovation"

Deadline to submit tenders: 25.08.2015

COMP/2015/007 – "Support study for impact assessment concerning the review of Merger Regulation regarding minority shareholdings"

Deadline to submit tenders: 28.08.2015

COMP/2015/0014 – Study of issues pertaining to the insurance production process with regard to the application of the Insurance Block Exemption Regulation (IBER)

Deadline to submit tenders: 06.07.2015

COMP/2015/011 – "Study on the passing-on of overcharges"

Deadline to submit tenders: 02.06.2015

For more information on closed calls for tender older than 2015, please send an email to