EU competition rules apply to all food products at all levels of the food supply chain, from the production of raw agricultural products to grocery retail. EU food legislation is highly harmonised and the sector benefits significantly from the EU Single Market. There is no single, homogeneous, and common food supply chain at the European level. The length and the degree of complexity of food supply chains depend on the product and market characteristics.
For all food products except agricultural products, the same rules apply as for any other sector. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and its predecessors have granted specific treatment to agricultural products. Pursuant to Article 42 TFEU, the legislator can modify the standard competition rules when applying them to agricultural products, while considering the CAP objectives set out in Article 39 TFEU.
The Commission has set up a specific framework of rules for State aid in the fishery and aquaculture sector. As of 1st January 2020, DG Competition is responsible for State Aid control in this sector following the transfer of this competence in 2020 from DG MARE.
State aid to promote the economic development of the fishery and aquaculture sector is closely related to the Common Fisheries Policy (CPF). Within the CFP, the Union provides financial support to the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
Standard competition rules apply to fishery and aquaculture products, as set out in Regulation1379/2013.