The European Commission has engaged actively in cooperation with competition authorities of many countries outside the EU. Cooperation with some of them is based on bilateral agreements dedicated entirely to competition (the so-called "dedicated agreements"). In other cases, competition provisions are included as part of wider general agreements such as free Trade Agreements, Partnership and Cooperation Agreements, Association Agreements, etc.
This page provides an overview of the third countries with which the Commission engages in cooperation in the area of competition policy. For each country, the table provides links to:
- the website of the competition authority agency,
- where applicable, the dedicated cooperation agreement(s) in the area of competition concluded between the EU and the country concerned,
- where applicable, the general agreement(s) concluded between the EU and the third country concerned that contain provisions on competition policy. The full text of the agreement as published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ) is also provided where available.
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Albania | Competition related extracts (2009)
Competition Agencies
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the EU and Algeria | Competition related extracts (2005)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Trade Agreement between the EU and Colombia and Peru (2013)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Armenia (2018)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Azerbaijan | Competition-related extracts (1999)
Competition Agency
- Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Employment Promotion
- Management of Competition and Internal Trade
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Annex to the Framework Agreement for cooperation between the European Economic Community and the Federative Republic of Brazil - Exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Federative Republic of Brazil on maritime transport | Competition related extracts (1995)
Competition Agency
- National Commission of Competition and Consumption
Competition Agency
- National Competition Commission
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
- Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of Canada regarding the application of their competition laws (1999)
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Framework Agreement for commercial and economic cooperation between the EU and Canada | Competition-related extracts (1976)
- Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement, CETA (2017)
Competition Agency
- Community Competition Commission
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Agreement establishing an association between the European Community and its Member States and the Republic of Chile | Competition related extracts (2002)
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
- Memorandum of Understanding on a dialogue in the area of the State Aid Control and the Fair Competition Review (2019)
- Terms of Reference of the EU-China Competition Policy Dialogue (2019)
Practical guidance for merger cooperation between DG COMP and SAMR (2019)
Practical guidance for cooperation on investigating anti-trust cases (2019)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States and the Arab Republic of Egypt | Competition related extracts (2004)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Agreement between the European Community and the Government of Denmark and the Home Government of the Faroe Islands | Competition related extracts (1996)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Association Agreement between the European Union and Georgia |
Competition related extracts (2014)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States and the State of Israel | Competition related extracts (2000)
- Regulation (EEC) N° 1274/75 concluding the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Israel
Competition Agency
- Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC)
Dedicated agreements
- Agreement between the European Community and the Government of Japan concerning cooperation on anti-competitive activities (2003)
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Euro-Mediterranean Agreement between the EU and Jordan | Competition-related extracts
Competition Agency
- The Antimonopoly agency (Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for competition protection)
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Enchanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Kazakhstan (2016)
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
- Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Korea concerning cooperation on anti-competitive activities (2009)
- Cooperation agreement between the EC and the Government of the Federal Republic of Korea (Council decision - 2009)
General agreements containing competition provisions
- EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement | Competition related extract (2009)
- Framework agreement between the European Union and its member states, on the one part, and the Republic of Korea, on the other part | Competition related extract (2010)
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Stabilisation and association agreement between the EU and Kosovo (2016)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States and the Republic of Lebanon | Competition related extracts (2006)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
- Competition and Fair Trading Commission
Competition Agency
- National Directorate for Commerce and Competition (DNCC)
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States and the United Mexican States | Competition related extracts (1997)
- Decision No 2/2000 of the EC-Mexico Joint Council - Joint Declarations | Competition related extracts (2000)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Association Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova | Competition related extracts (2016)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Montenegro | Competition related extracts (2010)
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
- Council Decision no. 1/2004 of the EU-Morocco Association Council of 19 April 2004 adopting the necessary rules for the implementation of the competition rules | Competition related extracts (2004)
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States and the Kingdom of Morocco | Competition related extracts (2000)
Competition Agency
- Competition Commission
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
- National Institute for the Defence of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI)
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Trade Agreement between the European Union and Colombia and Peru (2011)
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Agreement on partnership and cooperation establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States and the Russian Federation | Competition related extracts (1997)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Serbia | Competition related extracts (2013)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Agreement on Trade, Development and Cooperation between the European Community and its Member States and the Republic of South Africa | Competition related extracts (1999)
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
- Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation concerning cooperation on the application of their competition laws (2014)
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss (1972)
- Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Air Transport | Competition related extracts (2002) and Annex (2012)
Competition Agency
- State Agency on Anti-monopoly Policy and Support for Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Tunisia | Competition related extracts (1998)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Association Agreement between the EU and Turkey | Competition related extracts (1995)
- Agreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey | Competition related extracts (1996)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine | Competition related extracts (2014)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
Competition Agency
Dedicated agreements
- Best Practices on Cooperation in merger investigations
- Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Commission of the European Communities regarding the application of their competition laws (1991)
- Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America on the application of positive comity principles in the enforcement of their competition laws (1998)
Competition Agency
- Commission for Promotion and Defence of Competition
Competition Agency
Superintendence for the Promotion and Protection of Free Competition
(Pro-Competencia) | infoprocompetencia [dot] gob [dot] ve (e-mail address)
Competition Agency
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Vietnam (2019)
General agreements containing competition provisions
- Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement on trade and cooperation between the European Community and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip | Competition related extracts (1997)
Competition Agency
- Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (zcomp
ccpc [dot] org [dot] zm (e-mail address))