Digital Mergers Workshop - European Commission
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Competition Policy

Digital Mergers Workshop

On 13 December 2022, the European Commission hosted a workshop on digital mergers.

Click here to see the recording

The particular characteristics of digital markets tend to amplify any possible anticompetitive effects of even fringe acquisitions. Strong network effects, advantages generated by data access, ”tipping’ risks” in favour of a single player or the emergence of digital ecosystems are important aspects that require careful assessment.

The Workshop will be a forum for open discussions with competition experts, scholars and representatives of the business on the assessment of digital mergers. It will cover the emerging practice and foster important reflection to further the Commission’s expertise and analysis of crucial and novel digital issues.

The European Commission has the pleasure to open the registration for the workshop, that will take place on Tuesday 13 December 2022 in Brussels, from 13:00 to 19:00:

  • Keynote speech by Olivier Guersent, Director General, DG Competition
  • Panel session 1: From conglomerate effects to ecosystems competition: a discussion on the applicable framework
  • Panel session 2: Digital merger review in a post-Illumina world: when do small targets play a significant competitive role?
  • Closing Remarks by Guillaume Loriot, Deputy Director General, DG Competition

See the full agenda


Framework of the Workshop and practical issues

Following a keynote speech by Olivier Guersent, two panels will take place. The first panel will focus on the assessment of digital mergers, from the role of market definition to the development of novel theories of harm in the context of digital platforms and ecosystems. The second panel will address the particular interest of competition agencies in reviewing acquisitions of low turnover targets, that are nevertheless of great (potential) competitive significance.

In each panel, these issues will be briefly introduced by moderators before opening an all-inclusive discussion between all participants present physically or online.

Since the Workshop is open also to the public, the discussion during the Workshop will be based on non-confidential information and should not include any sensitive business information. You can attend in person at the International Auditorium, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 – 1210 Brussels; or participate online through our interactive platform.

Around 200 people can be present in the room, and registration is open to the general public. The Workshop will also be streamed online, with the possibility for online attendants to ask questions.

The workshop will take place in English. No interpretation will be provided.

There has been enormous interest in attending this workshop, and we have now reached the maximum in-person and online capacity. Unfortunately, registration is no longer available.