- Communication from the Commission concerning the prolongation and the amendments of the Guidelines on Regional State Aid for 2014-2020, Guidelines on State Aid to Promote Risk Finance Investments, Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy 2014-2020, Guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring non-financial undertakings in difficulty, Communication on the Criteria for the Analysis of the Compatibility with the Internal Market of State Aid to Promote the Execution of Important Projects of Common European Interest, Communication from the Commission - Framework for State aid for research and development and innovation and Communication from the Commission to the Member States on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to short-term export-credit insurance - OJ C 224, 8.7.2020, p. 2–4
- Guidelines on risk finance aid for 2014-2020 - OJ C19, 22.01.2014, p. 4-34
- Communication from the Commission amending the Community guidelines on State aid to promote risk capital investments in small and medium-sized enterprises - OJ C329, 7.12.2010, p.4
- Community guidelines on state aid to promote risk capital investments in small and medium-sized enterprises - OJ C 194, 18.08.2006, pages 2-22