Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on reform recommendations for regulation in professional services SWD(2016)436 final.
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social committee and the Committee of the Regions - Professional Services - Scope for more reform - Follow-up to the Report on Competition in Professional Services, COM(2004) 83 of 9 February 2004 (SEC(2005) 1064).
Commission Staff Working Document Progress by Member States in reviewing and eliminating restrictions to Competition in the area of Professional Services COM(2005)405 final.
Communication from the Commission Report on competition in Professional Services COM(2004)83 final.
The Official Journal (EUR-Lex)
Conveyancing Services Market (December 2007)
- Study for the European Commission, DG Competition led by the Centre of European Law and Politics (ZERP) at Bremen University (Summary)
- Press Release
- Annex 1: Transaction Costs Database
- Annex 2: Regulatory Indices Database
Published alongside this study are a set of "country fiches", which set out key legal and economic findings for the 21 EU countries studied. These served as a source of information for the study, along with other sources.
Documents in relation to the 2003 Conference on Regulation of Professional Services
In order to obtain an overall understanding of the regulation of liberal professions the Commission also invited interested parties to comment (summary of the responses from interested parties) on the justification for and effects of restrictive rules and regulations in the professions. During the 2003 Conference on the Regulation of Professional Services (Conference Papers), business, consumers and practitioners discussed the justification for and effects of restrictive professional rules.
Economic impact of regulation in the field of professional services in different Member States (January 2003)
Study for the European Commission, DG Competition by Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien
This study presents a comparison of the legislation, regulations and codes of practice governing the practice of a range of professional services across member states of the European Union. The professions covered by the study are legal services (lawyers and notaries), accountancy services (accountants, auditors and tax advisers), technical services, (architects and consulting engineers) as well as pharmacy services (community pharmacists).
- Final Report | Part 1 Main Report
- Final Report | Part 2 Case Studies January 2003
- Final Report | Part 3 References and Annexes
- Executive summary (da | de | en | el | es | fi | fr | it | nl | pt | sv)
Conference on "The Economic Case for Professional Services Reform"
Finnish Presidency
Brussels, 13 December 2006
Conference on "Better Regulation of Professional Services"
UK Presidency
Brussels, 21 November 2005
Better Regulation of Professional Services (Address by Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition)
Conference Papers
Conference on "Regulation of Professional Services"
Brussels, 28 October 2003