Final report
25 September 2007
- Communication from the Commission
- Commission staff working document (en)
- Press release - Commission issues final report on Business Insurance Sector Inquiry de / en / fr - IP/07/1390
- Frequently asked questions - MEMO/07/382
Public hearing
9 February 2007
The Commission organised a Public Hearing on the preliminary findings of the Sector Inquiry into Business Insurance in Brussels. Experts representing numerous stakeholders of business insurance were invited to discuss the preliminary findings of the sector inquiry. The discussion focused on two areas highlighted in the Interim Report: horizontal co-operation between insurers and distribution.
Videos of the public hearing:
- Session 1: Original version - de en es fr pt it
- Session 2: Original version - de en es fr pt it
- Session 3: Original version - de en es fr pt it
Interim report
25 January 2007
- Full interim report (en)
- Executive summary and Consultation (de en fr cs da el es et fi hu it lt lv nl pl pt sk sl sv)
- Press release: Commission publishes interim report on business insurance inquiry; public hearing in February. IP/07/74
- Frequently asked questions MEMO/07/26
- Replies to the public consultation on the interim report
Opening of the inquiry
13 June 2005
- Commission Decision initiating the inquiry COM (de en fr)
- Opinion of the Advisory Committee (de en fr)