Sector inquiry into energy (2005)
Pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation 1/2003 EC, in 2005, the European Commission launched an inquiry into competition in gas and electricity market. In its Communication of 2 February 2005 to the Spring European Council "Working together for growth and jobs, a new start for the Lisbon strategy", (COM(2005) 24 final)) the Commission set out a more pro-active application of competition policy, in particular, by means of sectoral screenings for barriers to competition in the energy sector.
The energy inquiry responded to concerns voiced by consumers and new entrants in the sector about the development of wholesale gas and electricity markets and limited choice for consumers. Read more about sector inquiries.
The final report, published in January 2007, identified serious shortcomings in the electricity and gas markets:
- too much market concentration in most national markets;
- a lack of liquidity, preventing successful new entry;
- too little integration between Member States’ markets;
- an absence of transparently available market information, leading to distrust in the pricing mechanisms
- an inadequate current level of unbundling between network and supply interests which has negative repercussions on market functioning and investment incentives;
- customers being tied to suppliers through long-term downstream contracts;
- current balancing markets and small balancing zones which favour incumbents.
Follow-up to the sector inquiry
To tackle the problems identified in the course of the inquiry, the Commission is pursuing individual cases under competition rules (anti-trust, merger control and state aids) and has taken further action to improve the regulatory framework for energy liberalisation:
- The EU Electricity & Gas markets: third legislative package, September 2007
- Press release: Energising Europe: A real market with secure supply - IP/07/1361, 19.09.2007
- Speech by Commissioner Neelie Kroes: More competitive energy markets: building on the findings of the sector inquiry to shape the right policy solutions
Final report
10 January 2007
- Communication from the Commission Inquiry pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 into the European gas and electricity sectors. COM(2006)851 final
- DG Competition report on energy sector inquiry SEC(2006)1724, 10 January 2007 (this document contains the full technical report, including the above Communication as Executive summary)
- Press release: Commission energy sector inquiry confirms serious competition problems (IP/07/26)
- Frequently asked questions on the final report (MEMO/07/15)
- Speech by Commissioner Kroes at the press conference
The Final Report of the inquiry was adopted together with proposals for a comprehensive package of measures to establish a new Energy Policy for Europe to combat climate change and boost the EU's energy security and competitiveness.
Study "Structure and performance of six wholesale electricity markets in 2003, 2004 and 2005"
- Press release: Study on electricity markets supports the results of the Commission's Sector inquiry - IP/07/522, 20.04.2007
- Study and Executive summary
- More competitive energy markets: building on the findings of the sector inquiry to shape the right policy solutions
Commissioner Neelie Kroes - SPEECH/07/547, 19.09.2007 - More competition and greater energy security in the Single European Market for electricity and gas
Commissioner Neelie Kroes - SPEECH/07/212, 30.03.2007 - A new European Energy Policy; reaping the benefits of open and competitive markets
Commissioner Neelie Kroes - SPEECH/07/63, 05.02.2007 - Introductory remarks on the final report of the energy sector competition inquiry
Commissioner Neelie Kroes - SPEECH/07/4, 10.01.2007 - The liberalisation of EU Energy Markets
Director-General Philip Lowe’s speech in London, The Beesley Lectures, Institute of Economic Affairs , 09.11.2006 - A new energy policy for a new era
Commissioner Kroes' speech in Lisbon, Conference on European Energy Strategy – the Geopolitical Challenges – SPEECH/06/648 of 30.10.2006 - The need for a renewed European energy policy
Commissioner Kroes' speech in London, OFGEM seminar on Powering the Energy Debate: Europe - Competition and Regulation – SPEECH/06/541 of 28.09.2006 - Towards an Efficient and Integrated European Energy Market – First Findings and Next Steps
Neelie Kroes – Public Presentation of the Preliminary Findings of the energy sector inquiry. SPEECH/06/92, Date: 16.02.2006
Preliminary report (16 February 2006)
- Preliminary report and Executive summary
- Press release (IP/06/174, 16.02.2006) and Frequently asked questions (MEMO/06/78, 16.02.2006)
Public presentation of the preliminary findings of the energy sector inquiry on 16 February 2006
- Agenda
- Speech by Neelie Kroes - Towards an Efficient and Integrated European Energy Market – First Findings and Next Steps - SPEECH/06/92, 16/02/2006
- Speech by Andris Piebalgs - The situation of Internal Markets in Gas and Electricity - SPEECH/06/94, 16.02.2006
- Speech by Stavros Dimas - Why are Competitive Electricity and Gas Markets Good for Environment? - SPEECH/06/97, 16.02.2006
- Presentations and contributions from the panel
Public consultation on the preliminary report
The Commission received several comments on the Preliminary report of the Energy Sector Inquiry from interested parties in response to the Public Consultation which was closed on 1 May 2006.