Key publicationsAnnual reportsCompetition Weekly e-newsCompetition policy briefs Ex-post economic evaluationsBrochuresAudiovisuals Most recent studies and reportsReport on the evolution of competition in the EU during the past 25 yearsModelling the macroeconomic impact of competition policy 2023 update and further developmentStudy on new developments in card-based payment markets, including as regards application of the relevant aspects of the Interchange Fee RegulationContainer Shipping Industry: 2020 – 2021 supply and demand reviewCompetition analysis of the electric vehicle recharging marketacross the EU27 + the UKCompetition - Extended executive summaryModelling the macroeconomic impact of competition policy 2022 update and further developmentCompetition analysis of the electric vehicle recharging market across the EU27 + the UKImpact assessment support study for the review of the Community guidelines on State aid for railway undertakingsMerger review in digital and technology markets: Insights from national case lawStudy to support the impact assessment of a possible EU initiative to the application of competition rules to collective bargaining by self-employedSearch for more publications General Report on the Activities of the European Union 2021Flash eurobarometer surveys