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Competition Policy

Guidelines on exclusionary abuses of dominance

Policy field

Competition: Antitrust


Target group

All citizens, organisations and public authorities are welcome to contribute to the consultation.

Contributions are particularly sought from companies with business operations in the EU in all sectors of the economy, national authorities enforcing competition law, business associations, academics and legal professionals with expertise in applying EU competition law, economic consultancies, consumers associations.


Period of consultation

From 01.08.2024 to 31.10.2024


Objective of the consultation

Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘TFEU') prohibits dominant companies from engaging in abusive practices that are capable of excluding competitors from the market. This is one of the few areas of European competition law where no Guidelines clarify the application of the rules of the Treaty. However, the enforcement of Article 102 TFEU is key to ensuring that competition works effectively and that consumers can reap the benefits of competitive markets.

Against the background of market developments and the evolution of the EU Court’s case law, on 27 March 2023 the Commission launched the process leading to the adoption of guidelines on exclusionary abuses with a Call for Evidence. The replies to the Call for Evidence have been taken into account in the preparation of the draft Guidelines. 

The draft Guidelines aim at reflecting the EU courts' case law on exclusionary abuses in light of the extensive experience gained by the Commission in the enforcement of Article 102 TFEU. This will help increasing legal certainty to the benefit of consumers, businesses and the national competition authorities and national courts.


Consultation documents



Contact details

Responsible service:
Directorate-General for Competition – Unit A1
Please always indicate the reference number in your correspondence: HT.100055 Guidelines on exclusionary abuses


Postal address:
European Commission
Directorate-General for Competition
Antitrust Registry
1049 Bruxelles /Brussel
Belgique /België


View the contributions

Download the non-confidential replies to the consultation.

