Protecting competition in a changing world - European Commission
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Competition Policy

Protecting competition in a changing world


When: 27 June 2024, 14.00-17.30

Where: Karel van Miert Auditorium, Directorate-General for Competition

DG Competition organised a half-day conference to present and discuss new evidence on the evolution of competition in the EU. Download the Report on the evolution of competition in the EU during the past 25 years and related contributions.

Based on contributions from the OECD, a consortium of researchers led by Lear and from within DG Competition itself, DG Competition gathered new economic evidence on how the conditions of competition in the EU have changed over time, the main drivers of those changes, and the impact of competition on prices, competitiveness and growth. Thought leaders, researchers and experts from the OECD, National Competition Authorities and academia discussed these new findings. 

Watch the video recording of the conference

Conference material available for download:

Student challenge 

We want to thank the many university students who took on the challenge associated to the conference and sent us their abstracts by the 20 September, 2024 deadline.

Click here to meet the four winners.


Download here the .pdf version of the Programme